Book a FREE initial assessment
First step is to book an initial assessment. If you wish to have surgery and it is indicated - we will schedule your nail surgery at this apt. Surgery can be carried out within 48 hours if necessary.
BookDo you have a problem with your nail?
You are getting persistent problems with your toenail, possibly getting recurring local infections in the area. It is beginning to affect your daily life, stopping you do the things you enjoy.
We can help
The procedure is performed under local anesthetic. The injection is given at the base of the toe and is generally more comfortable than a dental injection, so you won't feel any pain when you undertake the procedure.

What happens:
- You have been in and referred for nail surgery
- The different options of procedure are advised and explained
- The procedure is carried out with local anesthetic (means you feel nothing)
- A dressing is applied
- You are seen 2-3 days later for a checkup and dressing change. During this time we use the MLS medical Grade 4 Laser to assist in the post-operative healing Normally here we only need a plaster on the area and no bulky dressing is required.
- You are seen again 1 week later to check your progress and to apply a final dose of MLS Laser for healing.
The full package cost for surgery

Nail surgery what's included:
1. Surgery on the day
2. Redressing 2-3 days later with MLS Class 4 Medical Laser application.
3. Apt 7 days post-surgery for dressing and checkup and final MLS Class 4 Medical Laser application.
4. Antibiotics if indicated
6. Written communication of surgery to your GP
Nail Surgery for 1 nail If you need 2 nails the price for both on the same day is £420
Book a FREE initial assessment
First step is to book an initial assessment. If you wish to have surgery and it is indicated - we will schedule your nail surgery at this apt. Surgery can be carried out within 48 hours if necessary.